Philippe Andreani

Osteopath DO, member of the French Register of Osteopaths.

President of the Ginkgo Biloba Health and Wellness Association, Medical and Paramedical Practice with Sophie Rouméas and seven French therapists, 24 Henri Bordeaux Street, 74000 Annecy, France.

Director of Research in Infrared Thermography, consultant for FLIR, particularly for breast cancer screening.


Dr Andreani work as an author and speaker:

Creator of the IPPAAR experience (Information, Physiological Preparation, and Anatomical Repair Area).

Webmaster of the website, translated into English by FLIR

Two books: Anatomy of a False Movement, which now illustrates Physics and Chemistry textbooks for final year classes; available in French on Amazon: Anatomie d'un Faux Mouvement; and False Movement Alphabet and Metanoia: Secrets of Anatomy, available in French on Amazon as Alphabet du faux-mouvement et Métanoïa, published by BOD.

Infrared thermography illustration for the Health field in the Physics Chemistry textbook for final year science classes STI2D STL.

Published in osteopathic scientific journals: Mains libres, Switzerland, and La Revue de l’Ostéopathie, France.

Conference speaker at international osteopathy symposiums in Paris, France, Milan, Italy...


My work involves teaching Anatomy, and Anatomy is complex before it becomes simple. Therefore, I have endeavored to convey a simple, concise, and comprehensible anatomical message that makes sense to all and leads to greater awareness. It is sometimes amusing, but always in service of precise medical information.